Hey every body welcome to my blog post first of all, the moment you open this post pat on  your shoulder and take a deep breath with proud because  you made an attempt to learn something new, at least you are willing to try something new and the topic is,



Child labour:

Child hood is  precious for every child it is a golden time that every child goes through and makes a golden box collection of memories.

But the word child labour is totally anti for this golden time. Most of the children turns as child labour  because of their financial problems, parents pressure, lack of interest in education.

so in this post lets get to know an overview of child labour.

Child labour:

The term " child labour" is often defined as work that deprives children of their child hood. Children are forced to work like adults and take part in an economic activity.

This child labour will affect them and damages their life badly. The health and well being of child labourers  is at risk they can end up being trapped in a cycle of poverty.

✒ Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan have the highest of child labourers. They have also been affected for many years by wars and conflicts and have the highest number of children not at school.

✒ In the world's poorest countries slightly more than 1 in 4 children are engaged in child labour.


Child labour Day:

12 June The world day against child labour is an international labour organization- sanctioned holiday first launched in 2002 aiming to raise awareness and activism to prevent child labour .

Now let us look at some of the child labour laws in India:

Factories Act, 1948:

Section 22 of the Act mentions that no young person can be allowed to clean, lubricate or adjust any part of machine which there of would expose the young person to an injury from any moving part either of that machine or of any adjacent machinery.

✅ Section 23 of the Act defines that no young person is allowed to be employable on dangerous machines.

✅ Section 27 of the Act prohibits employment of children in any part of a factory for pressing cotton in which a cotton opener is at work.


The Beedi and cigar workers (Conditions of employment) Act ,1996:

Section 24 of the Act defines that employment of child under in this industry is strictly prohibited under this Act.

The plantation labour Act, 1951:

Section 25 of the Act specifies that women and children can be employed only between the hours 6 a.m and 7 p.m.

✅ They can be employed beyond these hours only with the permission of the State Government.

Domestic workers (Registration social security and welfare) Act 2008:

Section 14 of the Act specifies that no child shall be employed as a domestic worker or for any such incidental or ancillary work which is prohibited under any law.


Provisions for penalties under the Act:

Any employer 

✅ for employing any child in contravention of the provisions of the Act - imprisonment for not less than 3 months extending to 1 year or with fine not less than Rs. 10000 extending to 20000 or both.

✅ for second offense of like nature imprisonment for not less than 6 moths which may extend to 2 years.

✅ failure to maintain a register - simple imprisonment which may extend to 1 month or with the fine which may extend to Rs. 10000 or both.


We can compliant about any instances of child labour in the following manner:

Telephone Helpline - call 1098

1098 is a toll-free number and it operates across India. It is operated by child line India foundation which works for child rights and child protection.

   Finally child hood is a valuable gift to every kid try to make it beautiful at least don't make it a horrible journey for them.


this all about child labour from my side if you find any child working in any particular field without studying  try to help them and catch you all back in my next post.

                                                    THANK YOU. 






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