How a positive start can effect your entire day

 Hey every body welcome to my blog post first of all, the moment you open this post pat on  your shoulder and take a deep breath with proud because  you made an attempt to learn something new, at least you are willing to try something new and the topic is,



How a positive start can effect your entire day:

How to start a day in positive way:

A positive start early in the morning shows impact on entire day productivity. And a  good start early in the morning gives you a positive day and a clam mindset and also fills your mind with consistency and hard working nature and also commitment towards your goal.

every day is a new opportunity to  start in a new way with new energy with new mindset 

our mood can definitely affect productivity.

✒One study found that your mood in the morning actually affects your productivity even hours later.

✒The study found that whatever the employee's mood was in the morning it stayed pretty much the same through out the day. so if an employee started off in a bad mood, they ended the day grumpy(bad-tempered) as well.

✒People who work mostly in a customer oriented companies where you will be having interactions directly with your customers every day it is very much important for them to start day with  a positive attitude.

✒Not only these people but also each and every one of us it is better to start with a good mindset.

Let's discuss few ways to start a day in a positive way:

start the day with a strong motivation which reminds your goal what you have to achieve  and where you want to be. 

Possible it is better to write your goals in a and paste it on the wall where you can see that paper the moment you woke and open your eyes.

this fills a sort of motivation and thrust in your brain for learning something new entire day.

Morning walk:

 A morning walk in the fresh air can put you in the right head space for entire day and also can help you in avoiding negative thoughts.



Book reading:

Book reading habit early in the morning can fill positive attitude in your mind. And no need to read too many pages at least try to read 5 to 10 pages. And keep one thing when are doing something don't concentrate on how much you doing it keep a track what you are learning from it though you did something in very much less quantity.

It is better to use a highlighter because when you high let some thing then there is a good chance it can make a great impression on your mind and even you can keep remembering this  entire day.


Don't start your day in a hurry mood:

Don't start your day in a hurry mood don't worry about the tasks that have you to accomplish on that particular day. Maintain your to-do list and note down your tasks and prioritize them and start working on them.

Maintaining to-do list and planning your day early in the morning gives you a positive attitude and removes rush and negative thoughts.

And in one of the podcast that I have listened I have learnt a great lesson from that podcast that is accomplishing hard task gives you a sigh of relief to  accomplish remaining tasks later in that day.


Never think about yesterday: 

Most of the people spoil their mood  by thinking about their past or worrying about future this habit can show effect on entire day this can carry a sad or fear feeling in your mind which spoils one more day in your life.

Early morning when you woke up don't feel bad or disappointed about your about your previous day if it wasn't a good productive day or positive day and don't worry about that and also don't spoil your mood by thinking about the problems that currently you are having in your life and ruin your positive  mood early in the morning. 


Early in the morning when you woke up believe that it is going to be a great day for you and also you will definitely take one more step towards your desired future.

and finally this all about starting a day in a positive way and benefits of starting a day in a positive moo  that I know. catch you all back in my next post.

                                                THANK YOU   




  1. Very useful information suchitra

  2. Nice post,useful to the people
    Keep rocking πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


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