Hey every body welcome to my blog post first of all, the moment you open this post pat on  your shoulder and take a deep breath with proud because  you made an attempt to learn something new, at least you are willing to try something new and the topic is,

Foods that good and bad for our brain health:

 As  modern technologies is evolving and also people are developing their life styles and also updating their  food habits most of them are not concentrating on what they are in taking whether it is healthy or not,due to busy schedules and unwillingness to cook, this is leading to give a chance to have outside cooked food but one thing to remember is that the food we intake not only shows effect on our body but also on our brain  so in this post let us take a look at what are the foods that boosts and what are the foods that worse brain functioning.



Foods that boost our brain health:


Oily fish (salmon,mackerel,tuna,sardines) are a good source of omega 3 fatty acids, omega 3s help build membranes around each cell in the body including the brain cell.

They can there fore improve the structure of brain cells called neurons.



Dark chocolate contains cocoa also known as cacao. Cacao contains flavonoids a type of antioxidant.

Antioxidants  are especially important for brain health.

✒  Cacao flavonoids seem to be good for the brain. According to a 2013 review they may encourage neuron and blood vessel growth in parts of the brain involved in memory and learning.

✒ Some research also suggests that the flavonoids component of chocolate may reverse memory problems in snails.

✒ A 2018 in humans also supports the brain boosting effects of dark chocolate.

✒ Researchers concluded that eating this type of dark chocolate may improve brain plasticity which is crucial for learning.




Like dark chocolate many berries contain flavonoids and antioxidants.

Researchers suggests that berries are good for health. According to 2014 review berries have following effect on brain.

✒ Improving communication between brain cells. Reducing or delaying age related neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive decline.



Nuts and seeds:

Eating more nuts and seeds is good for health. And 2014 found that a higher overall nut intake was linked to better brain function in older age.

As a person ages their brain may be exposed to this form of oxidative stress and vitamin E . There fore support brain health in older age.



Broccoli is a low calorie source of dietary fiber may be good for the brain.

Broccoli also contains vitamin C and flavonoids and these antioxidants can further boost a person's brain health.

Up to now we have seen what are the foods good for our brain health and functioning now let us see what are the foods that show negative impact on our brain health and functioning.

Foods that show negative impact on our brain health:

Sugary drinks:

Sugary drinks include beverages like soft drinks, energy drinks .

✒ A high intake of sugary drinks boosts your risk type 2 diabetes and heart diseases it also has a negative effect on your brain.

✒ Animal studies have shown that a high fructose intake can lead to insulin resistance in the brain. As well as reduction in brain function, memory learning and the formation of brain neurons.

✒ One study in rats found that a diet high in sugar increased brain inflammation and impaired memory.


Refined Carbs:

Refined carbohydrates include sugars and highly processed grains such as white flour.

Research has shown that just a single meal with high glycemic load can impair memory in both  children and adults.

✒ Another study in healthy university students found that those who had a higher intake of fat and refined sugar also had poorer memory.


Foods high in Trans Fats:

Trans fats are type of unsaturated fat that can detrimental effect on brain health.

Studies have found that when people consume higher amounts of trans fats they tend to have an increased risk of Alzheimer's  disease, poorer memory, lower brain volume and cognitive decline.

 Highly processed foods:

Highly processed foods tend to be high in sugar, added fats and salt .

They include foods such as chips, sweets, instant noodles, microwave popcorn, ready meals.

✒These foods are usually high in calorie and low in other nutrients.

✒They are exactly the kinds of foods that cause weight gain which can have negative effect on your brain health.

✒A study in 243 people found increased fat around the organs or visceral fat is associated with brain tissue damage.

✒A study including 52 people found that a diet high unhealthy ingredients resulted in lower levels of sugar metabolism in the brain and a decrease in brain tissue.

✒ Another study including 18,180 people found that a diet high in fried foods and processed meats is associated with lower scores in learning and memory.

 these are the few food items that show effect on our brain health finally consume healthy food items stay healthy be happy.

That's all from my side and catch you all back in my next post.

                                            THANK YOU





  1. Nice information blog. I hope people restrict the junk food after reading this blog.

  2. Super content 👌. It's different from other blogs.I hope this is help full for all the people.


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