
Showing posts from December, 2020


  Hey every body welcome to my blog post first of all, the moment you open this post pat on  your shoulder and take a deep breath with proud because  you made an attempt to learn something new, at least you are willing to try something new.And the topic is, depression this ,one particular disease ,most people are becoming biggest prey for this because not realizing what does it really do mean and its symptoms in this post  I have tried to cover most important points regarding depression that every one has to know to save them selves so please go through entire post and read it completely.   DEPRESSION: It is normal for many to sometimes feel sad or depressed. It is a normal reaction to life struggles ,self esteem issues or loss of loved one.but depression is another case it can be associated with intense sadness,hopelessness,worthlessness and helplessness. To summarize what is depression is in one sentence:   Feeling of intense sadness,hopelessness,wort...


                                                SELF HYPNOSIS Hey every body welcome to my blog post first of all,the moment you open this post pat on  your shoulder and take a deep breath with proud because  you made an attempt to learn something new, at least you are willing to try something new.And the topic is, SELF HYPNOSIS : First of all lets talk about what is self hypnosis ? self hypnosis involves becoming highly focused and absorbed    in the experience while gives yourself positive suggestions about ways  to reach your goals. It is an individual practice it can be a most empowering practice as you learn to have better control of your thoughts and reactions while enjoying the physical and emotional benefits  of the relaxation that is typical of sel...

Cyber Bullying

  Hey every body welcome to my blog post first of all,  the moment you open this post pat on  your shoulder and take a deep breath with proud because  you made an attempt to learn something new, at least you are willing to try something new.And the topic is,                  CYBER BULLYING Cyber bullying is bullying with the use of digital technologies. It can takes place on social media, messaging platforms, gaming platforms and mobile phones. It is repeated behaviour  aimed at scaring ,angering or shaming those who are targeted. I think I have gone too complicated so let me precise to get easily understand. Cyber bullying can be simply defined as harrasing or creating insecurity on online through social media platforms. for example: 1.spreading lies or posting embarising photos of someone on social media. 2.Threatening target via messages. face to face bullying and cyber bullyi...

Facts about space and stars

  Hey every body welcome to my blog post first of all, the moment you open this post pat on  your shoulder and take a deep breath with proud because  you made an attempt to learn something new, at least you are willing to try something new.And the topic is,         Facts about space and stars   THE BIG BANG: About 14 billion years ago the universe materialized out of nothing for unknown reasons.Infinitely smaller than an atom to begin with, the universe expanded to a trillion kilometers across in under a second -an event called the big bang. At 300 million years, stars appear. stars from when great clouds of gas are pulled into  tight knots by gravity. The pressure and heat become so intense in dense pockets of gas that nuclear reactions begin, igniting the star. At 500 million years, the first galaxies are forming. Galaxies are enormous clouds of stars held together by gravity. GALAXIES: Our sun belongs to  a giant...